
ASP ASP or Active Server Pages – Microsoft™ technology that is used for pages that have dynamic or... ActiveX ActiveX is a set of technologies developed by Microsoft for sharing information among different... Anonymous FTP Anonymous FTP is an ftp feature that allows users to upload/download files without creating an... Apache The Apache web server is a very popular, open source, public-domain Web server. It is the most... Applet Applet is an interactive program (application) that performs small tasks. It is executed on... Backup Backup is an extra copy of data (that is stored separately from the original) made as a... Bandwidth Bandwidth, also called data transfer, is the amount of information transferred to or from a... Blog Blog (Short for Web Log) is an “online dairy”, is an online, regularly updated (usually every... Browser A web browser is a computer program used to view and interact with contents of web pages.... Bug Bug in computing is a hardware or software program error that leads to the system failure. It is... CGI CGI or Common Gateway Interface - is an interface program that extends the capabilities of Web... CGI-BIN CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is a kind of program that allows for communication between a web... CMS CMS or Content Management System – software application used to easily create/manage a... Cache Cache is a temporary storage of data on your computer. When you access a webpage its information... Chat Chat is a real-time online communication between two or more users. The participants of chat... Collocated Hosting Collocated Hosting (also co-located) is a type of webhosting that gives you an opportunity... Cookie A Cookie is a small piece of information that is automatically stored (by a Web server) on a... Cron Job A Cron Job is an application suite that allows you to reproduce special sets of scripts in order... Customizable Error Pages You are not required to use our server's default error pages. Customer error pages can be used,... DNS The DNS is an essential Internet database service that translates IP addresses into domain names.... Dedicated Hosting Dedicated Hosting is a “rent” of pre-configured full-fledged server from the hosting... Dedicated IP Address A Dedicated IP Address is an IP address solely assigned to 1 hosting account. This... Disk Space This is the amount of storage space that is allotted to your account on our servers. This... Domain Name A domain name is an easy-to-remember address entered into a Web browser to identify and visit Web... Domain Parking Parking domain names allows you to have multiple domain names for 1 website. For example, if a... Email Autoresponder Email autoresponders are user-specified messages which will be sent back to whom ever sends email... Email Client An Email Client is a computer program that runs on user’s computer and is used for sending,... Email Forwarders An email forward is an email address which, when it receives email, automatically forwards it to... FTP (File Transfer Protocol) FTP is a common method for exchanging files across the Internet. The most common use is... FTP Client An FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Client is software used to transfer files between two computers... Firewall A Firewall is a set of hardware and software that is used to control access to the certain... Form-Mail Script From Form-Mail, Website Counter, Online Calendar, etc. to Advanced Polling System, you will have... Frontpage Extensions These are a group of add-ons scripts and programs, installed on the web server, which allow for... HTML (HyperText Markup Language) HTML is a basic, cross-platform language used to create Web pages. The codes are interpreted by... IMAP IMAP or Internet Message Access Protocol – is an application layer protocol used for... IP Address The unique, numerical address of a computer or web page. The format is (each xxx... IRC IRC or Internet Relay Chat – a real-time Internet chat (communications) system that... ISP ISP or Internet Service Provider – is a company that provides access to the Internet... Image Galleries An Online Gallery or Image Gallery is a script that lets you manage your photos or pictures on... Intranet Intranet is a restricted communications computer network within a company or organization that... MIDI File Support MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Usage of midi files in web pages is not... Macromedia Shockwave /Flash Flash and Shockwave are advanced media-rich formats for content delivery. Although we do not... Mailing Lists Mailing lists allow you to easily send one email to any number of recipients. You could have a... Message Board Message Boards are a very popular feature on the web. These allow users of a website to... MySQL Databases MySQL is an open-source database system which is often compared to Microsoft SQL in scope and... Open PGP/GPG Encryption The most widely used email encryption standard in the world. It is a computer program that... PERL A dynamic procedural programming language which is influenced by a wide range of pre-existing... PHP PHP, strangely enough, stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, and is a very popular open-source... PHP Nuke Content management and portal solution featuring web-based administration, surveys, customizable... Password Protected Directory By way of .htaccess, any folder can be password protected on Linux accounts. Windows accounts can... Python An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming similar to PERL or Java. It has clear... Ruby or Ruby on Rails A free web application framework which basically is a set of reusable programs structured in a... Server A server is a networked computer that handles requests for data, email, file transfers, web pages... Server Side Includes Server Side Includes are files which can be included when a web page is parsed. For instance, if... Shared Hosting Shared Hosting is the most common, basic, and least expensive form of hosting. It is called... Shopping Cart A shopping cart is software stored on Web servers that allows online shoppers to add/remove items... Site Stats Site stats tools are applications which analyze these log files and produce people-friendly... Storage Backups Without electricity, our hosting would be impossible. In order to ensure seamless, problem-free... Streaming Audio/Video Streaming video/audio is a method of media delivery in which the video/audio will play on the... Subdomains Subdomains are third-level domains. For example, if you have, and you want to setup a... UNIX UNIX is a powerful, flexible, computer operating system designed for multi-user applications... URL (Universal Resource Locator) A URL is the full, unique address of a Web page. URLs are alphanumeric and replace IP numbers. Web Hosting Web hosting is a service that provides a physical location, space/storage, connectivity and... Web Hosting Glossary - Consolidated The following is a glossary of popular words associated with web hosting. ActiveXA loosely... Webmail Webmail is a service used to access email online through a web browser instead of downloading... access logs Access logs record all network requests made to your web site, such as when a web user connects... account In the context of Stoute Web Solutions, account generally refers to a combination of a user name... add-ons Add-ons are elements that you can include on your web site to improve interaction with your... address book Your Address Book is a virtual address book containing all your Business Email and Mail contacts... phpForm Generator An easy to use, online tool for creating web forms very quickly.
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